

Nabaki is passionate about empowering others. That means opening up opportunities for young people, building a confident and capable core team, and raising capacity in the wider world.

We are proud of our tried, tested and trusted reputation and are determined to stretch even further into the top league. We want the Nabaki name to be a hallmark of excellence, and our brand (on a product, a project or a CV) to be synonymous with quality. By being the best we will attract the best, ensuring that we have a solid pipeline of empowered and committed people who embrace Nabaki’s Mission, Vision and

Partnership with Empower

Since July 2021, we have been working with the fantastic team at Empower to review and refine our values and culture, assess our capacity and needs, and enhance processes and performance across our teams and departments.

We want to be the company of choice for young professionals, to attract and retain the best talent.

We believe in developing the knowledge and skills of our team, as well as   creating and maintaining a fun working environment that rewards creativity, initiative, and team work

Investing in Others

We invest in people at all levels, from our interns to our leaders, and are committed to sustainable business continuity.

Investing in the new generation: We provide opportunities for young people, and benefit from their enthusiasm, energy, and fresh ideas.
Our Intern Programme supports 8 to 10 young people each year to launch their careers.

Investing in our core team: We believe in hard but meaningful work, which is recognized, rewarded, and fun! We invest in training and development, both to empower people and ensure our company stays ahead of the curve.

• Investing in our leaders: Confident, capable, and strategic leaders are critical to us. Our Leadership Programme capacitates our Heads of Departments and their number two, creating transformational leaders.

Transforming ordinary ‘fundis’ into ‘Mtaalams’

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Nipe Fagio

Nipe Fagio (‘Give me the broom’ in Kiswahili) aims to empower young people, civil society, the private sector and the government to turn Tanzania into a clean and sustainable country, through proper waste management and pollution education.

Trusted by over 10000 companies Nationwide